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If there is one thing that is missing from the cryptocurrency trading, it’s proper risk evaluation. CapchainX – crypto equity platform – has plans to rectify that. Its recent partnership with the University of Manchester is aimed at quantifying the actual risks associated with both cryptocurrencies and cryptoassets. UM’s School of Mathematics’ Senior Lecturer Dr. Saralees Nadarajah is the lead on the project, aided by Dr. Stephen Chan and Jeffrey Chu.

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of such research in the face of alarming volatility that seems to be inseparable from the cryptocurrency markets. It might provide the solutions to the issues the industry is currently facing and establish the baseline for cryptoasset evaluation in the future.

The current market is ultimately unsustainable and incredibly volatile, so any attempt at serious scientific analysis is very welcome. The industry insight is provided by Beryl Li – CapchainX CEO.

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