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The tabs structure consists of an unordered list of tabs that have hashes corresponding to tab ids. Then when you click on each tab, only the container with the corresponding tab id will become visible. You can add the class .disabled to make a tab inaccessible.

Test 1: The tabs structure consists of an unordered list of tabs that have hashes corresponding to tab ids. Then when you click on each tab, only the container with the corresponding tab id will become visible.

Test 2: The tabs structure consists of an unordered list of tabs that have hashes corresponding to tab ids. Then when you click on each tab, only the container with the corresponding tab id will become visible.

Test 3: The tabs structure consists of an unordered list of tabs that have hashes corresponding to tab ids. Then when you click on each tab, only the container with the corresponding tab id will become visible.

Test 4: The tabs structure consists of an unordered list of tabs that have hashes corresponding to tab ids. Then when you click on each tab, only the container with the corresponding tab id will become visible.

Preselecting a tab

By default, the first tab is selected. But if this is not what you want, you can preselect a tab by either passing in the hash in the url ex:#test2. Or you can add the class active to the a tag.